
Donations for prayer encounters

In the Home of the Father is a prayer encounter led by Božja pobjeda in which we discover:

  • What does it mean to be a child of God?
  • Who is the Spirit of Sonship in us?
  • How can we be in communion with God the Father every day?

We expect more than 2000 people in three Croatian cities in the following days:

  • Pula, St. Frances Church and Monastery, February 26th
  • Osijek, St. Cyril and Methodious Parish, March 12th
  • Solin, Parish of Our Lady’s Isle, April 2th

We are bringing about 25-30 members of our community for:

  • Praise and worship
  • Prayer
  • Catechesis
  • Mass and Adoration

Total expenses for all three prayer encounters are about 40.000 kunas, which includes:

  • Renting 4 vans for transportation
  • Shared accommodation
  • Meals
  • Other expenses
    • You can pray for us and share
    • Donation payment
    • Donation of a specific need (vans, accommodation, organized meal, audio equipment…)

In the Home of the Father is a prayer encounter led by Božja pobjeda in which we discover:

  • What does it mean to be a child of God?
  • Who is the Spirit of Sonship in us?
  • How can we be in communion with God the Father every day?

We expect more than 2000 people in three Croatian cities in the following days:

  • Pula, St. Frances Church and Monastery, February 26th
  • Osijek, St. Cyril and Methodious Parish, March 12th
  • Solin, Parish of Our Lady’s Isle, April 2th

We are bringing about 25-30 members of our community for:

  • Praise and worship
  • Prayer
  • Catechesis
  • Mass and Adoration

Total expenses for all three prayer encounters are about 40.000 kunas, which includes:

  • Renting 4 vans for transportation
  • Shared accommodation
  • Meals
  • Other expenses
  • You can pray for us and share
  • Donation payment
  • Donation of a specific need (vans, accommodation, organized meal, audio equipment…)
Support evangelization!


For card payment, please insert the amount and click “Donate”. Then enter the required payment data.

Unesite iznos donacije


You can donate by:

Scanning the barcode

Direct bank transaction

Account Name: Božja pobjeda
Privredna banka Zagreb d.d.
IBAN: HR2023400091110915067
For: Donation for prayer encounters


Thank you for supporting us!

God bless!

Where to find us


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